South Tyrol is considered a mountainbiker´s paradise. No other area offers such a variety of trails in such a small area. Wether it is Vinschgau-valley, the Dolomites or the area around Kalterer See - you can find trails of any level of difficulty and any length everywhere. My "homebase" is the Burggrafenamt between Meran and Bozen (or Merano and Bolzano, if you prefer the italian spelling), which means, we can not only reach the yet mostly unknown trails in this area, but also Vinschgau and the Dolomites easily. I offer a range of about 1000km of tours, so there should be something for everyone.
For me it is of major importance not only to show you the best trails (and restaurants), but also to provide you with information about the area´s history and culture. It would be a pity not to do that, as South Tyrol has so much to offer.
On the following pages you can find a list of what kinds of tours I offer. As the area is quite big, it wouldn´t make too much sense to describe each tour and therefore I would like you to ask and I will send an offer.

- Cul-T(o)ures: Easy biketoures with an emphasis on the area´s history, sights worth seeing and people
- Panorama-Tours: These also lead us into the mountains, but emphasise the visual aspect, maybe garnished with some easy trails
- Trail-Tours: Mountainbiketours on easy to medium trails
- Enduro-Tours: Technical Trails and long descents