The importance of riding skills are not be underestimated as bikes become better and new regions are being unlocked. Noone wants to climb up a long and steep ascend, just to find out, that the trail back down is much too difficult - not to speak of the safety aspect. For that reason skills courses are not only for beginners, but for advanced riders just as well. There is always something to work on - be it as a preparation for the next tour across the Alps, or that you would finally like to master that particularly gnarly spot on your hometrail.
I offer my courses to small groups of 6 people maximum. This is the only way, I can guarantee the same amount of attention to each participant. The courses follow a plausible structure and by adding video analysis you can see your improvements immediately.

Who are skills courses suitable for?
Everyone, who wants to
- improve his/her ridings skills
- develop a clean and trail-protecting riding style
- ride economically
- overcome fears
- understand physics and dynamics
In other words, everyone, who wants to improve.
I offer skills courses in 2 levels:
- Level 1 imparts the basics of mountainbiking
- Level 2 imparts advanced skills, which let you master almost any trail
The rest is practice, practice, practice ;-)
By the way: Of course the same is true for me as a skills coach. It is very important for me to improve and participate in postgraduate trainings regularly. This is why in January 2019 I attended a training course held by the BICP , which was held for the first time outside of the US in Mallorca/Spain. By becoming South Tyrol´s only globally certified skills coach I can make sure to be able to offer the latest methodical and didactical approaches and guarantee you the best learning success possible.